
Miho Kitamoto

1980 Born in Rumoi, Hokkaido, JAPAN

2013- Lives and works in Sapporo, Japan.

Artist, painter.

Kitamoto grew up in rich nature such as sea, mountain, snow and stars.

Kitamoto makes her works through her own experience to attempt to analyze and decompose "existence" into elements and reconstruct them.


Email  mihokitamoto33(a)


2007 M.A. in Fine Arts at Tama Art University(Tokyo/Japan)

2005 B.A. in Fine Arts at Tama Art University(Tokyo/Japan)

Solo exhibition (selected)

"Thoughts of Van Gogh" Tokyo/Japan

"AMANOIWAKURA" Sapporo/Japan

"MOTHER" Tokyo/Japan

Group exhibition (selected)

"Acrylic gouache biennale2018" Tokyo/Japan

"ART FAIR in Sapporo" Sapporo/Japan


2014-2020 guest lecturer of Tokyo University of the Arts special advance course, Hokkaido Academy of Formative Arts, Japan

Miho Kitamoto artist 2019
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